
Hang in there, folks, it's going to be a long one...

Sorry for the long silence... a lot has been going on so I hope you'll bear with me... I'll try to include lots of pictures so you don't get too bored :)

It's been over two weeks, so where were we...V-Day was nice. mr. d & I went to yummy yummy Fugakyu (we hit up the Sudbury one) and ate crazy maki rolls 'til we were stuffed. Then we had ice cream. And fell asleep.

Here's a yarn I spun from wool dyed by the lovely Heather. Nothing to do with V-Day but I spun it between then and now. Looks super 80s to me :), we will see if I can let go of it or not...

It was also vacation for mr. d last week so we went up to Maine for a few days to visit with zay and mom d. While in The County, we hid this:

One of two received from the uber-talented Josh Simpson's Infinity Project. Go submit a proposal!!! Besides being a really cool idea, you get a second one of these AMAZING planets to keep for yourself! 'Cause chances are his bigger stuff is not in your price range. If it is, please pick one up for me while you're shopping, 'cause you can afford to :)

Here's the one I kept for me:

You can't tell from the pics, but this one is actually quite a bit smaller than the first one. Here's a shot of me freezing my behind off during the "hiding"...

And actually, now that I think about it, if you know where this is, there's a pretty good chance you could go and get that planet for yourself because I don't imagine anyone else is dumb enough to go out there until it gets warmer.

Speaking of warmer, I am planning on a super-fun (and long-awaited) trip to SF & Hawaii to visit ms. c, ms soon to be mrs. c, ms. f and #1! I'll get to mooch off my friends and eat yummy food, and be WARM! Finally, a use for my thirty-five bathing suits. This news accompanied by a photo of the cool lights in the trees at LLBean.

Finally: if you've read this far, thanks. I have to explain to those who care enough to read this much that I tend to disappear from email (and blogging) when I get overwhelmed. Personal hiding reaction to stress. In this case, when mr. d and I got back from Maine, we found out that my grandmother had fallen into a coma. She is now conscious but recovering very slowly. She can't speak or walk yet, nor is recovery certain, and my parents are getting ready to fly to Taiwan to see her. Depending on what happens during their visit, I will probably go myself sooner or later. It's hard not to feel helpless and stressed, especially when you're over 9,000 miles away. Day to day on this, but I am working on not withdrawing so much when things get crazy. Thanks for bearing with me. xoxo, #2

FOOD! BBM4 posting, finally...

YUMMY! And not at all ruined by the fact that I took an extra three weeks to post about it...
From lovely Dani, in lovely upstate NY... good thing I know myself well enough to make sure I took photos as soon as I opened the box... brownie bites, sugar cookies, sesame bar, nutty chocolate, dark & milk chocolate bars, wafer cookies, raspberry linzer cookie, potato chips, plus cute vintage Frosted Flakes notebook & notepad, and a cookbook too! Thanks Dani, everything was wonderful! Arrived just in time for Valentine's Day, too! Here are a few closer shots: I was even nice enough to share with others... well, some of it anyway... I just had a thought (again, only took me three weeks)... was there a CD in here? Because I didn't see one when I unpacked? Did it somehow go missing? Hmm, a mystery...


Foiled, again...

...by my server, of course. Traitor. Well, I got about half of the necessary updates finished, including most of these, and will finish the rest on Thursday, probably:

Tomorrow I will give myself a bit of a break so I don't break my computer out of frustration, and reorganize. Loads of handspun. If you see something you like that doesn't have an add to cart button, just send an email or leave a comment. Thanks. I'll be back when I'm not annoyed with my computer anymore. Smooches.


Time warps and site updates.

Seriously, I feel like days disappear at a time. Where did the weekend go? Well, there was YUMMY Korean BBQ at the very on the down low, you only know if it if you're really down with Asian food in the 'burbs New Jang Su, then awesome milk & bittersweet chocolate ice cream at Ranc's... Sunday = sleeping in & Superbowl. Yesterday, a lot of aimless driving trying to get places and looking for shelving solutions with mrs. s once arriving at those places. Definitely no working on wavy... Very solidly stuck at 1/10th finished right now. Note my cute Clover kacha-kacha at row 44 and the only 7s I own, annoying Susan Bates metal needles. I haven't used metal needles in months, and I remembered why about two rows in. Since I also dislike small needles to a certain extent and plan on not using them for many months after this is done, I could not justify buying new bamboo 7s.

I DID manage to get a bit of spinning done...
and I FINALLY watched the Netflix DVDs that I'd had sitting around for ages. I like Season 5. Lots of drama for Rory & Lorelai. And I'm almost caught up enough to feel like I can watch the new episodes. I am trying to hold out, though, because we all know how much I need a new TV show to watch.

That's it. Exciting, no? Biggest news: I have chained myself to the computer today getting updates to the site ready. No, really. I've made some decisions about updating and whatnot so that I won't go crazy and won't avoid site updates until I feel guilty and resentful. That's the plan, anyway. So if you haven't heard from me in a while or are expecting communication, today's the day. 'Cause I'm here, glued to the computer and I'll need to procrastinate on the site by replying to old emails.


My giant head.

Before I get to rambling, here're a few items that I sent to ebay (still experimenting with keeping some stuff there)... click on the pictures to go to the listings if you're interested (such shameless self-promotion, I know)... :

"south beach" and "fairy tale" (and don't get me started, I know "fairy tale" is not a place or food and thus does not fit into my general naming scheme, but I couldn't think of a place and I am saving the few candy names I haven't used for a bigger piece)

So, I just finished knitting a neckwarmer for mr. d. As I was finishing up, I realized, hmm, I never measure these things. I just continually hold them up to my head and neck as I get to the part where I think I'm getting "close". And this realization of how I "measure" got me to thinking about the subject of this entry.

Some of my friends know this, but I thought this would be interesting for those who don't know as much random crap about me: I have a disproportionately large head. Now, everyone I discuss this with SAYS that my head doesn't SEEM unnaturally large, but there is proof. mr. d, who is about 5' 8" and sort of stockily-built, not big but pretty broad-shouldered, well, his head is smaller than mine. This was a point of contention for awhile until finally one day we got a tape measure and measured. Yup, my head is bigger. For those of you who don't know, I am not quite 5' 2" and though I seem to keep gaining weight, I am your average small-boned female Asian build. MY HEAD IS ABOUT ONE INCH LARGER THAN MY MUCH LARGER THAN ME HUSBAND'S HEAD. And no, his head is not freakishly small.

To further emphasize my point, mr. l was over when we measured, and he is taller and bigger than mr. d. I would say that the average person meeting mr. l on the street would probably hesitate to mess with him (correct me if I'm wrong here, people who know). And I think mr. l himself would say that his head is not small. ms. f says so too, and she knows. AND MY HEAD IS A MERE ONE-HALF OF AN INCH SMALLER THAN MR. L'S HEAD. See? Disproportionately large. I'm going to start drawing myself as a lollipop.

Don't worry, I don't have a complex. Yet. Though I know my roommates senior year in college will tell some story about how I came home freaking out one day after we had our heads measured for our caps and spent the next 12 hours feverishly questioning all the other seniors I came across in my attempts to find someone with a noggin as big as mine. No, I don't have a complex. I do have a problem finding knit hats that are flattering, though. Any suggestions? 'Cause I think winter is going to be a while longer here.