
Fried pickles, Greek salad & a side of UGH, please.

So, in my ongoing attempt to eat healthier, I convinced my companions, mr. d and the lovely mrs. w, to order baskets of fried pickles AND jalapeno poppers at Beerworks tonight. Then mrs. w added on lobster quesadillas, we all added fries with our entrees, and it was all over. I guess the half of the Greek salad that I had might've added a little bit of fiber. Too bad all the grease and fried batter blocked any of the healthy stuff from being absorbed into my system.

All that food is making me sleepy. BIG shop update planned for tomorrow and Saturday, plus dinner party and swap to work on. mr. d is swamped too, tomorrow is the end of the quarter and of course that means grades need to be turned in next week... (yawn)

Here's a little preview of what I'll be updating with in the shop(s)... etsy too!...

1 comment:

Amy said...

Okay, first YUM on the fried pickles and jalepenos. You would never have to convince me to order them. Ever. And second, YUM on the new jewelry. So fresh and Spring-y.