
Huh? Where am I? Who are you?

Color me in complete shock. Where did the first half of January go? Where did the rest of December go, for that matter? I have to say, I've definitely been feeling the aftershock of the holidays. There was a lot of driving and quite a bit of drama this year. No dirty laundry here, though. Suffice it to say that I think I was exhausted long after mr. d's short vacation had already ended. And I am still avoiding.

If you have called or emailed me in the last three weeks and I still haven't replied, I'm sorry! I have probably written you an email back in my head or avoided listening to voicemail altogether because I am struggling with the following:

1. Updating store and uploading store stock. Lots of both to do, and my brand-new laptop developed a still-growing vertical line on the screen over the holidays. Besides being annoying, they have to take it back to fix it.

2. Subsequently, I am frantically uploading as much as possible to online servers and backing up everything else. I am contemplating typepad so I can organize and salvage links & bookmarks... I like to make things extra complicated, you know :)

3. Filing taxes for the first time as a business. Aah. As might be expected of me, I am simultaneously avoiding and freaking out about this. (Sigh.)

4. Other things I can't talk about here yet. Soon enough.

Anyway, 1 through 3 are practically enough to knock me out on their own. Especially 3. Any advice?

On the bright side, once the laptop is gone (between 1 and 5 pm tomorrow) I will be limited in what I can do so I will have lots of time to create and reply to emails and make phone calls. Expect to be called upon to play, people. I have to avoid taxes, and actually getting out of this town might be a good idea too... maybe we can find some time to decorate cakes?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Number 4- hmmmm, raises my curiosity! korean bbq on sat feb 4? mrs. s