
hello? is anybody out there?

Um, so I guess I took a blogging hiatus, for about, oh, five months. Yikes.

I realized recently that I never was much of a diary-writing kind of girl. I always thought the journals were too nice to ruin with my inconsistent handwriting, and I guess I am generally too wrapped up in whatever I am doing on any given day to stop and write about it. Which is sort of a shame, because when I do stop, even just to jot down a few notes like "dinner with mr. x" or "return from maine" I appreciate being able to recall what I was doing when I look back on things. So, I am making a more concerted effort to get here regularly.

'Cause honestly, when I do, I enjoy it. Just means that I have to spend fewer minutes reading other peoples' blogs. Hmm...

And finally, a little gratuituous Daisy, 'cause you haven't seen her in months, right?
daisy cupcake 6

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