
I am ready to play nicely now.

Well, I am less cranky now. Thanks for not taking it personally. Here are some pictures of the lovely white tree that I made mr. d run around all over with me looking for. Now there's an awkward sentence. The tree, plus a peek at the wrapped presents from the weekend (there are about twenty five more from today's cranky wrapping session-- might YOUR gift be in this pile?):
So, this is not something I ever imagined wanting, but I saw heidi's post of one of her gazillion trees and was inspired... of course I wanted mine heavier on the green and orange, 'cause that's the way I am... and it's actually not done yet, 'cause I have a whole 'nother box of ornaments that are waiting for me to make hangers for them... it makes me happy anyway.

I have been avoiding the site because it makes me cranky, but I will get back to it tomorrow. Maybe even for a bit before I go back to bed. Weather forecast says 6" to 10" of snow tomorrow! If there's a snow day and mr. d doesn't have to go to school, we're going to put up the big tree AND the OTHER little one... off to make a Christmas CD, eling



I am cranky and tired and cold. (Growl.) Solution: going to hide in bedroom with powerful area heater and many, many Christmas gifts. I will wrap lovely & cute gifts with pretty paper until I am not growly any more.



When did it freaking become December? Ugh. It was a quiet weekend, full of, well, not much excitement. We did watch Kung Fu Hustle, though, which I'd been wanting to see for ages.

I have decided that Stephen Chow is up there in the category of "strangely attractive despite generally odd appearance". Joining him there is Dave Grohl (Foo Fighters). Anyone else have any other additions? Okay, actually, Stephen Chow doesn't look bad in this particular photo but if you've seen the movie, or Shaolin Soccer (also AWESOME), for that matter, then you get it.

I digress. I forgot, we also decorated my happy white Christmas tree (pictures soon) and I wrapped about a gazillion presents (okay, it was only about 30 something). This post is way too random. I think it may be a result of generally sleeping from 6 or 7 am to 11 am. I'm working on it, I swear. Actually, maybe I should go finish some other stuff so I can be in bed sleeping by 4. ttfn, ek

PS. I totally have NOT started working on my beautiful yarn below yet (:()